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Estuary 972

Needham, MA


Estuary 972

Building Principles (Air, Water and Thermal Management)-- beyond conventional building
Thermal Boundary
That means deciding what is inside and what is outside the conditioned space. Your conditioned space is everything inside the insulated walls
Thermal Bridge
A thermal bridge is an area which has a higher heat or cold transfer than the surrounding materials resulting in an overall reduction efficiency control of the building.
1500 ft2 house with cellulose will recycle as much newspaper as an individual will consume in 40 years.

Building Orientation
Orient the building to take greatest advantage of seasonal sun angles for both passive heating and cooling and for maximum solar energy production.
U-Factor measures the rate of heat transfer and tells you how well the window insulates. U-factor values generally range from 0.25 to 1.25 and are measured in Btu/h·ft²·°F. The lower the U-factor, the better the window insulates.
Generally applied towards walls, ceiling, and floors and U-values for windows and doors.
ERV: energy recovery ventilation delivers the fresh air while keeping your family healthy and safe , and lowering your heating and cooling costs
Better insulation: In every ZHD home, we super super insulate under the slab the foundation walls and the entire building envelope.
Airtight homes: Zero draft homes mean air won't slip through the cracks, you're in control of your climate.
Structurally sound: double stud walls = a lifetime of stability and strength-- reducing shift transmission.
Window Performance: 3X-glazed windows increase climate control in your home (thermal losses and gains, solar radiation, thermal management)
Acoustic sealing and 15 mil vapor barriers eliminate radon penetration and moisture that arises from the earth.
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